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Procedures and Precautions

Elevate and the other businesses in the Northtown Chiropractic Center are taking the following precautions to keep our patrons safe: 

  • Hand sanitizer will be located near each entrance. We ask that you please sanitize your hands upon entering the building. 

  • Bathrooms and common spaces will be cleaned and sanitized with greater frequency. 

  • The building circulates air through a UV filter that helps reduce bacteria and allergens in the building by 50%.


I will continue to follow the sanitization and disinfection procedures that I have always used. These include: 

  • New linens for each patient 

  • Use of medical grade products to clean face cradle, treatment table, and work space between each patient. Cups, E-stim machine, and other tools are also sanitized and disinfected after each use. All products used will be from the EPA's list of products that are effective against COVID-19. 

  • Use of HEPA filtration air filter in each treatment room. 

  • Hand washing and/or sanitization between patients and upon reentering the treatment room from hallway or office. 


For up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the following sites: 


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